I recently came across a "Miniature Promotional" issue of National Geographic from 1915. The front page says it is "Volume XXVI Number Three", Copyright 1915. It includes a picture of the Board of Managers of the National Geographic Society and Members Actively Interested in Its magazine" (Includes Roald Amundson, Robert Peary, Alexander Graham Bell and others). The pages (32 in total) mostly are color photographs as well as drawings of plants and flowers. I am interested to know if this is a collectible item. Picture to be sent separately...
John Parkin
London, Ontario.
Originally there were four posts on this same topic and I posted a reply (a request, actually) to one of them this morning. According to my email I got three replies, but that post is now gone so I can't read what they were. What happened? I'm new to this forum. Did I violate some kind of rule?
You didn't delete them ?
That's a bummer then that we lost the one version with the replies thread on it !!!
My 2 replies are also deleted.
No, I didn't delete them. Two of the replies were from you and one was from John Parkin.
Mel De Vilbiss also made an informative response to your original (first) post. That first copy of your post contained an image embedded in the text (and as an attachment).
Tom Wilson
I was wondering where I might find some of these miniature promotions. It would be great to add them to my collection.
ebay.com or AbeBooks.com are good places to start.
Use the keywords like "specimen" and "miniature" along with "national geographic" etc.
The dates were nicely provided by Mel, but his really nice answer was deleted too.
John Carey, an NG dealer here, has several for sale.
At the top of the Main page there is a link, Dealers Directory. Click on it.
Click on his website, and then click on the link, NG ITEMS FOR SALE.
Click on the option, Promotions to Join, and you'll find several for sale.
There may be other dealers on this site, or elsewhere, who have these items. eBay, Amazon, and AbeBooks are other places to look.
Tom Wilson
Thank you everyone!
Sorry. Apparently I inadvertently deleted the wrong post. (Original message had 3 copies and I was attempting to reduce clutter on the website). I only have the one miniature promotion (1915). The staples are rusted with the middle sheet of the issue loose as a result.
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