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I have a collection from 1962 to 2005. Can anyone tell me the best forum to sell this collection at? Most are in slip covers, all in excellent condition. Not trying to get rich, just wanted to sell because we are moving.

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Your magazines are so new and easy to find and acquire there is very little market value in them that would be worthwhile and profitable for the time and energy you would expend to locate a new buyer. Cosider makeing then a donation to a non-profit. If you have the time cosider E-Bay. It is a good indicater of the market.
A. Johnson
Hello Mark,

Actually I agree with what Andy said. I also had a few more thoughts for you. I do believe from experience and watching the trends on eBay that you would probably do well if you separated the slipcases from the issues - and List the cases only on eBay. People are always looking for more cases to finish housing their years. On the NGS store, they are $15.95 per year/set. You wouldn't make millions but you could get a decent price. I would suggest not selling them individually per year thoough - that's tedious and can get expensive to list as many times it takes to sell. Consider selling them as decade sets [i.e., 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's, 00's].

Maybe this is useful for you. Take care,

-Scott S.
Scott and Andy, thanks for your input. It was very valuable. I have a better understanding of how it works. I have recently decided to donate the set to a local Christian School. They have just opened and are looking for resources in their library. But this has been a very informative forum.

Hi Mark,

(if you happen to look at this page again). Unless the library already specified wanting the cases, I'd still consider keeping the cases only to sell on eBay. I have seen decade-sets fetch decent prices, and some large runs of them have commanded a prices around $100 for example.

Still, I am sure the cases would perhaps help the library people keep the issues organized - I'd ask. I have heard stories of the librairies (school or municipal) throwing the cases away in dumpsters!! : ( I feel that's a terrible shame.

anyway, Happy Holidays,
I will definitely keep the covers for that purpose then. Thankfully I haven't gotten rid of them yet.




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