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Cosma G.-Mihai
  • Male
  • Cluj-Napoca,Cluj
  • Romania
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Cosma G.-Mihai's Friends

  • Adrian Mocanu
  • Joshua Dylan

Cosma G.-Mihai's Discussions

Looking for Back Issues
22 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Richard Kennedy May 7, 2016.

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Comment Wall (3 comments)

At 7:31pm on August 28, 2008, Joshua Dylan said…
Cosma- I was wondering if you decided what you wanted to do. Please let me know so I can send these magazines to you. I was able to pack them all into one flat rate box for you.
At 6:31am on March 21, 2009, michel said…
Hello Cosma,

I am collecting foreign editions of NG, I try to get one or two issues of each edition. I have issues from all foreign edition country except romanian one.
Could you help me to find 2 issues from romanian ?
Thank you,
At 1:35pm on March 22, 2009, Adrian Mocanu said…
Buna Cosma! M-am inregistrat pe acest site si asa te-am gasit. Am vazut ca esti din Cluj. Eu sunt din Marasesti, Vrancea si colectionez reviste National Geographic. Am in total peste 200 de numere din editia americana. In afara de acestea am in jur de 20-30 dubluri. Cea mai mare parte a dublurilor sunt din perioada 1999-2002, dar am si o dublura veche din 1943. Vroiam sa stiu daca ai si tu dubluri, eventual pentru a face schimb, sau daca vrei sa cumperi de la mine. Ma bucur ca te-am gasit pe acest site pentru ca pana acum nu prea am gasit multi romani care sa colectioneze reviste National Geographic. Adresa mea de mail este: Contacteaza-ma daca esti interesat sau pur si simplu pentru a schimba pareri in legatura cu revista. Numai bine!

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