My name is Joe. My dad was a collector for 70 years and owns a collection of basically every issue of magazines Mabs hard books of National Geographic‘s. He has taken ill and we would like to pass this collection on to someone who is willing to take it. Libraries do not want them collectors on the website that are left do not want them in the National Geographic Museum in Washington DC does not want them. Please contact me at 631-355-3376 if you are interested in any or all of them. Today is August 19, 2022. I need to get rid of them as soon as possible
Welcome to Collectors Corner, and I hope you are able to find a home for your father's collection. I remember your father from our vintage NGM sale many years ago and am sorry to hear he is ill.
I am here to update this page. Unfortunately, on Dec 3, 2023, TAPS was played as MSG Joseph F Billone was released of his final post and duties of the US Army. His legacy of National Geo mags and maps still sit here today in plastic storage bins. My dad spent his life preserving these from the first to this past month's editions some in triplicate. It will kill my sisters and me to throw these away. Most are in acceptable condition. Please can someone find a home for them? My contact number is 631-355-3376.located on Long Island NY
I am very sorry to hear of you and your family's loss. I respect his service, and of course, appreciate deeply his passion for National Geographic collecting of knowledge & exploration.
Cathy Hunter
Welcome to Collectors Corner, and I hope you are able to find a home for your father's collection. I remember your father from our vintage NGM sale many years ago and am sorry to hear he is ill.
Kindest regards,
Cathy Hunter
NGS Archives & Special Collections
Aug 20, 2022
I am here to update this page. Unfortunately, on Dec 3, 2023, TAPS was played as MSG Joseph F Billone was released of his final post and duties of the US Army. His legacy of National Geo mags and maps still sit here today in plastic storage bins. My dad spent his life preserving these from the first to this past month's editions some in triplicate. It will kill my sisters and me to throw these away. Most are in acceptable condition. Please can someone find a home for them? My contact number is 631-355-3376.located on Long Island NY
Feb 23, 2024
Scott T. Shier
I am very sorry to hear of you and your family's loss. I respect his service, and of course, appreciate deeply his passion for National Geographic collecting of knowledge & exploration.
Scott T. Shier,
Feb 23, 2024