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Jean Thibault
  • Male
  • Bishopton, Quebec
  • Canada
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Sherbrooke, Quebec
About Me:
Now retired (sociology professor), have more time for National geographic magazine collection (my second) and related history, studies, map supplements and varieties. Also collect Geo magazine, and different types of books. Magazine collection is complete back to 1920, and hope to complete back to 1910 and also complete map (and other inserts) collection. Have rather large accumulation of duplicates for trade or sale.
So far, have only been active buying.
Favorite National Geographic publication:
The magazine...Particularly articles that return to a location or a subject years later.
Favorite travel destination:
The Mediterranean, when and where there aren't too many tourists around!?

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Comment Wall (6 comments)

At 3:33pm on February 13, 2009, Cathy Hunter said…
Hi Jean,

Here is what I've been able to find out:

There is no comprehensive list of cover variants. Membership versions of NGMs have all the titles and page numbers; newsstand versions do not have page numbers on the covers. The "balance of run" issues are as follows:
US United States
CN Canada
BI British Isles
AN Australia/New Zealand
CE Continental Europe
LT Latin America
MX Mexico
ME Mid-East and Africa
AS Asia

We can only really order these versions before or while that particular issue is binding. That's the only way to guarantee a copy of that version. The print orders are so tight that the special covers usually run out. But even if for some reason any do end up as overs, all editions are mixed together in inventory. So that would mean someone having to go through perhaps nearly 5,000 copies of a particular issue to look for a specific cover with no assurance that any copies are to be found.

At 2:54pm on February 20, 2009, Cathy Hunter said…
Hello, Mr. Thibault,

My apologies if you get this twice; however, I think I may have added my comment in the wrong spot this morning.

At 9:07am on February 20, 2009, Cathy Hunter said… Dear Mr. Thibault,

I apologize that you have been waiting for a reply. I did not receive an e-mail notification and so did not realize you were not satisfied with the information I sent along. It was obtained from various individuals who work with the design and printing of NGM.

I do realize that collectors want comprehensive lists and am not dismissive of that concern. And it may be that the information you seek does lie in various corners of the Geographic. However, as the product line has grown but the staff continues to shrink, it may not be possible for us to run down the answers. But we do try, and I have a printout of your questions that I will take home this weekend to study.

At 11:29am on February 24, 2009, Cathy Hunter said…
Dear Mr. Thibault,

Regarding your question re the possibility of having a standing order for all new basic cover variants, here is what I have found out so far. Right now, it is not possible to do this through our 800 number. The employee I spoke to in Production Services is checking into whether she can include you on a special order list, but she has no way of billing an outside party. She is checking with Consumer Marketing and will let me know.

At 3:37pm on March 10, 2009, Cathy Hunter said…
Dear Mr. Thibault,

Many thanks for your patience. I wish I had better news for you. Although you can contact Sandy Ahner ( for samples of back issues, Consumer Marketing is not willing to mail different cover issues to you as they are published.

Just so you are aware, like many other places of business we are undergoing quite a bit of uncertainty. Many of us who have been at the Society for years are well aware of the collector community (and are thrilled that you follow the Society so avidly), and will try to be of help, but our time to do so may be even more curtailed as staff numbers continue to decline. I do hope you understand.

Kindest regards,
At 1:19pm on March 13, 2009, Cathy Hunter said…
Dear Jean,

Concerning contacting Sandy, "if he does want to get some back-issue variants, please contact Sandy Ahner and she will try to get them for you."

You also asked about redirecting UK and Singapore subscriptions to you. Sandy might be able to answer that as well, but I don't know. I still have to follow up on that part of your last posting.

At 3:47am on June 27, 2009, John Mahoney said…
Dear Jean:
Thanks for sharing those photos of cover variants.
J. Mahoney

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