National Geographic's Collectors Corner

Collaborative site for collectors, dealers, & anyone interested in our history.

Note: This discussion was first posted to the Ephemera and Collectibles group.  It has been updated and reposted here.

This collection is eclectic if nothing else. It was inspired by the article in the September 1988 number entitled “Spoofing the Geographic”. My parody collection is only a subset of a larger collection. What I am listing here is another portion of the collection, one that deals with magazine articles about the Society and its magazine. I have listed the September issue although technically it is not another publication’s view of our magazine.

On his website listed under Dealers Directory, John Carey has a list of sixty publications that reference National Geographic.

With this as my starting point, I was able to find twenty-six of those sixty items.  This was obviously not a complete collection, but it stood fairly well as a “first cut”.

In the ensuing months, I have added several addition publications that either I had found, or acquired with the assistance of Scott Shier.  A recent one was even spotted first by Philip Riviere.

And then came Jeff Persons comments in which he listed fifty-five additional publications to the ones I already had.  Out of that batch, I was able to find thirty-two which I have included in my listing here.  Of the fifty-five in Jeff's list, twenty-two were also on John's list.  Of those twenty-two, I was able to find seven.  Again, nowhere near a complete collection, but a good "second cut".

I have since found two more publications, one each from John's and Jeff's lists; and three more recently found by Jeff.

A "third cut" was made in September 2017 after posting an article I found, Jeff submitted eighteen more items to his list.  Of those, I was able to acquire eleven and found an undocumented addition while searching for another.

0] National Geographic Magazine, September 1988, Page 352, “Spoofing the Geographic”: This article is a six page look at parodies and cartoons about the Society over the years.

1]  Scribner's Magazine, March, 1891, Page 61: "Mount St. Elias and Its Glaciers as Explored by the National Geographic Society's Expedition of 1890” by Mark Brickell Kerr.  Article is twelve pages in length.  It is nice to see that, even in its infancy, the Society was getting recognition.

2] Century Magazine, April 1891 (Vol. 41, No. 5), Page 865, “Two Expeditions to Mount St. Elias”: This twenty page article documents the following:

I – The Expedition of “The New York Times” (1886)

II – The Expedition of the National Geographic Society and the United States Geological Survey (1890)

The second article was written by Israel C. Russell.

3]  The Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine, June 1892, Page 190: "Mount St. Elias Revisited" by Israel C. Russell.  This gives a brief account of the second expedition to Mt. St. Elias, Alaska with the objectives being to climb Mt. St. Elias to further expand on the surveys done on previous expeditions.  Article is fourteen pages in length.

4] Munsey's Magazine Vol. XXI, No. 3, June 1899, Page 384: "The Race for the North Pole" by Brig Gen. A. W. Greeley.  This fifteen-page article discusses four ongoing expeditions to reach the North Pole, including Perry's NGS funded one.  While their is no direct reference to the Society, it can be found subliminally as a word-string embedded in "the Sixth International Geographical Congress".

5]  Chautauquan, March 1904, Page 23: "Reading Journey in the Boarderlands of the United States: Panama and Its Neighbors" by Gilbert Grosvenor.  This article is eighteen pages in length. [Reprint]

6]  Scientific American Supplement Vol. LX, No. 1551, September 23, 1905, Page 1: "The Central Great Plains".  This article was reprinted courtesy of the Society and is three pages in length.

7a]  Hampton's Magazine, January 1910, Page 1: "The Discovery of the North Pole". The cover has the first photo taken at the North Pole by the Peary Expedition, April 6, 1909.  This is Part one of nine and is Peary's own account of the expedition and is twenty-four pages in length.

7b]  Hampton's Magazine, February 1910, Page 157: "The Discovery of the North Pole".  This is part two of nine and is a continuation of Peary's account of the expedition.  The cover has a picture of Peary's flag and is twenty-two pages in length.

7c]  Hampton's Magazine, March 1910, Page 303: "The Discovery of the North Pole".  This is part three of nine and is a continuation of Peary's account of the expedition and is twenty-four.

7d]  Hampton's Magazine, April, 1910, Page 329: ”The Discovery of the North Pole".  This is part four of nine and is a continuation of Peary's account of the expedition and is seventeen pages in length.

7e]  Hampton's Magazine, May 1910, Page 500: "The Discovery of the North Pole".  This is part five of nine and is a continuation of Peary's account of the expedition and is sixteen pages in length.

7f]  Hampton's Magazine, June, 1910, Page  653: "The Discovery of the North Pole".  This is part six of nine and is a continuation of Peary's account of the expedition and is sixteen pages in length.

7g]  Hampton's Magazine, July 1910, Page 3: "The Discovery of the North Pole". This is part seven of nine and is a continuation of Peary's account of the expedition and is sixteen pages in length.

7h]  Hampton's Magazine, August, 1910, Page 165: "The Discovery of the North Pole".  This is part eight of nine and is a continuation of Peary's account of the expedition and is sixteen pages in length.

7i]  Hampton's Magazine, September, 1910, Page 283: "The Discovery of the North Pole".  This is part nine of nine and is the conclusion of Peary's account of the expedition and is thirteen pages in length.

8] The Mentor, October 27, 1913, Page 1, "The Conquest of the Poles.":  This account is by Rear Admiral Robert and is eleven pages in length.  In addition there are six loose supplements, all photos of arctic explorers with daily “readings” on the backs.


9] American Magazine, May 1922, Page 26, “We All Have a Secret Love of Adventure and Romance”: This seven page article has numerous black and white photos and tries to show why the magazine is so popular.

10] Scribner's Magazine, April 1933, Page 204, "Homage to Switzerland": This is a five page short story by Ernest Hemingway that has multiple references to the National Geographic Society and its magazine.

11] The Literary Digest, June 9, 1934, Page 20, "Stratosphere Beckons Air Adventures.":  This is a one page account of multiple explorations, both recent and upcoming with a shout out to “the most elaborate expedition into the stratosphere by the NGS and the US Army Air Corps”.

12]  Aero Digest, December 1935, Page 46, "The "Explorer II" Stratosphere Balloon":  This is a one page article about the technical aspects of flying the balloon into the stratosphere.  The Society is mentioned by name.

12.1] Aero Digest, December 1935, Page 12, "A New High Record of 14 Miles": This is a one-page advertisement for the Wellington Sears Company.  The company made most of the fabric used in Explorer II's balloon.  The Society is mentioned by name in the ad.

13] Scribner’s Magazine, June 1938, Page 23, “Geography, Inc.”: This six page article includes several photos of pages from the magazine including one nude shot. It is part of a series of articles on magazines that sell.

13.1] Readers Digest, July 1938, Page 65, “Geography, Inc.”: This three page article is a condensed version of the Scribner’s article sans photos.

14] The Readers Digest 20th Anniversary Anthology,  1941, Page 18: This anthology includes a selection from the October, 1926 issue of the NGM.  The title is "Commander Byrd's Story", by Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd, US Navy (Ret). The article is seven pages in length.

15] Coronet Magazine, June 1943, Page 37, “Armchair Travel, Inc.”: This five page article shows the Society as being both popular and patriotic.

16a] The New Yorker, September 25, 1943, Page 26, “Geography Unshackled – I”: This seven page article is the first of three parts of a profile on Dr. Gilbert H. Grosvenor.

16b] The New Yorker, October 2, 1943, Page 27, “Geography Unshackled – II”: This eight page article is part two of Dr. Grosvenor’s profile.

16c] The New Yorker, October 9, 1943, Page 27, “Geography Unshackled – III”: This eight page article is part three of Dr. Grosvenor’s profile.

17] LIFE Magazine, May 7, 1945, Page 13: Not really a reference, but a cartoon.  One of many in the "Speaking of Pictures..." section where "Cartoons bring out the Humor in World War II".

18] The New Yorker, September 27, 1952, Page 83, “How to get a rather bad case of paranoia”: This three-page article is a tongue-in-cheek look at the official looking membership certificate and being ‘nominated’ for membership again while still being a member.

19] Newsweek Magazine, December 9, 1957, Page 62, “The Wreck of the Bounty – And the Way of the Geographic”: This one page article is about the Society’s discovery and exploration of the HMS Bounty shipwreck.

20] Time Magazine, June 15, 1959, Page 47, “Rose-Colored Geography”: This two page article is from the section “Headline of the Week” and is from the New York Daily News. It talks about “Bare-Breasted Boldness” but complains about the Society staying out of politics thereby painting a rosy picture of the world.

21] Life Magazine, September 20, 1963, Page 68, “U.S. Conquest of Everest”. This fourteen page series of articles includes a photo on page 72 of James Whittaker on the summit raising his ice ax with the American and NGS flags.

22] Esquire Magazine, December 1963, Page 206, “Two Cheers for the National Geographic”: This eleven page article is a light hearted tribute to the NGS and its magazine. It contains a photo of a “National Geographic Christmas Party” with some nudity and the iconic image from page 352 of the September 1988 NGM of a man and his collection. Caption says he’s single.

23] Women's Day, September 1964, Page 4, "Letter from Washington":  This two-page article discusses the Society's many expeditions and how they are displayed in the new building.

24] Time Magazine, February 11, 1966, Page 82, Section entitled "Milestones". This is an obituary of Gilbert Hovey Grosvenor at age 90. It lists some of his many accomplishments . He died of a stroke in Baddeck, Nova Scotia. Just a short paragraph, but interesting.

25] Lithopinion Vol 2 # 4 issue 8, 1967, Page 11, “Breaking the Magazine Mold”: This two page article mentions National Geographic by name as not taking the newsstand route.

25.1] Lithopinion Vol 2 # 4 issue 8, 1967, Page 20, “Eight American Magazine Covers": A Graphic Exploration”: This is a four page, multi-layered op-art depiction of a Bull fight/Map. It is an hommage worth having.

26] Playboy, July 1968, Page 93, "My Country, Far Right or Wrong":  This four-page article is about the "Second Constitutional Convention" held by conservatives to abolish the income tax and to stop legislative reapportionment.  In a speech by Willis Carto, the head of the Liberty Lobby, he states: "If anyone calls you a Fascist, take a bow!  After all, what is a Fascist but a patriotic nationalist, one who knows that a dictatorship of the majority is not constitutional government, one who knows that right now there are Congolese cannibals put here by the UN to set up a Commie takeover by 1973.  I tell you, 30,000 African troops are already in Georgia, 30,000 black Reds who are starting to eat their way to Washington - with teeth they got from Medicare!  Do we want this great country to become a cover for National Geographic?"

27]  New York Times Magazine, September 6, 1970, Page 10, "With the National Geographic On Its Endless, Cloudless Voyage":  This eight-page article discusses the booming circulation of the Geographic as compares to other magazine.  It tells how the Grosvenor family made the NGS.

28] TV Guide, November 28, 1970, Page 10, "From Addis Ababa to the Omo River": This three-page article is subtitled "... the National Geographic Society put Ethiopia on film", and tells the story of this six-month venture.

29] The New Yorker, November 20, 1971, Page 61: Not really a reference, but a nearly full-page cartoon.  This cartoon also appears in the above-mentioned September 1988 National Geographic Magazine on page 356.

30] Apollo, 1973, Pages 2-3, 10, 26. 46, 47 and 60: This sixty-four page NASA promotional publication contains a photograph and five sketches copyrighted by the National Geographic Society.  The last two drawings included text, also copyrighted by the Society in 1973.

31Reader's Digest, September, 1974, Page 133, "The Fantastic World of Outer Space.":  This six-page excerpt is from the May, 1974 NGM.

32] Modern Photography, October 1974, Page 124, “Think Like Your Subjects”: This eleven-page article is a study of Bob Sisson, photographer for the National Geographic. It includes many color photos of underwater life and insects.

33]  Popular Photography, May, 1975, Page 22:  "Through the Lens":  This is a three-page article discussing the two-day annual symposium with NG photographers as well as free-lancers.  They show their best work throughout the year and discuss their problems as well as possible solutions.

34]  Kodak Studio Light, 1975, Issue #3, Page 2:  This is an eight-page cover story about how the NG obtains what they are looking for...Quality!

35]  Antique Trader Weekly Annual of Articles on Antiques, Vol. IV, 1975, Page 92:  This is a four-page article about "Collecting National Geographic's" by Bob Finch.

36] Celebrating the National Air and Space Museum, Page 63: This 96-page pamphlet contains the following passage on page 63, "Scientific use of balloons is recalled by the pressurized gondola of Explorer II.  Under the auspices of the National Geographic, this craft set a long lasting altitude record of better than 13 and a half miles in 1935. Such flights expanded our knowledge of the upper atmosphere and helped us along the pathway into space."

37]  Antique Trader Weekly Annual of Articles on Antiques, Vol. V, 1976, Page 52: This is a three-page article on "National Geographic Books" by Edwin C. Buxbaum.

38] AB Bookman's Yearbook, 1976 Part 1,"Maps & Atlases", Page 5, "Cartography in University Education": This six-page article was written by Norman J. W. Thrower.  In it, he mentions "... the widely disseminated maps of the National Geographic Society."

39] Popular Photography, June 1976, Page 83, “Inside view: National Geographic gathers its talent”: This three page article covers the annual meeting of NatGeo photographers.

40National Review, May 13, 1977, Page 539, "Notes & Asides", letters to the editor, William F. Buckley.  A letter from Ted McAnlis starts: "Dear Mr. Buckley: On the occasion of my last visit to the barber shop, and while perusing (for the 37th time) a 1948 National Geographic, my closeted hoard of National Reviews came to mind."

41]   Photo Magazine, June, 1977, Page 44: "Special National Geographic".  This forty-six-page French suite of nine articles, using many, many photographs.  It also has a time line of major events at the National Geographic.

42] Newsweek Magazine, September 12, 1977, Page 111, “News Media: The Geographic Faces Life”: This one page article covers the NGMs shift to covering more controversial topics including the plight of blacks under apartheid and the ensuing backlash. It is a good counterpoint to the 1959 article in Time Magazine. (Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.)

43] Panarizon Story of America Cards, 1980, one card in a series of 2,256 (1979-1981).  AKA Life in America cards. The card is entitled "National Geographic Society" with both sides containing many facts about the magazine and the Society.

44Antique Trader Weekly Annual of Articles o Antiques, Vol. XII, June 1980 – March 1981, Page 178:  This five-page article "National Geographic Article Reprints" is by Edwin C. Buxbaum.

45]  Darkroom Magazine, February, 1982, Page 24:  "The Eyes of the Geographic."  This is a six-page interview with Robert Gilka, Senior Assistant Editor of Photography at National Geographic as well as his responsibility of overseeing the magazines large staff.

46]  Historic Preservation Magazine, Sept./Oct. 1982, Page 42:  "The Inside Story:  National Geographic To the Rescue."  This eight-page article is a report on the threatened temples of Angkor, Cambodia.  It show the NGS's present, Wilbur Garrett's, passion for the temples.  One photo appears on the May, 1982 cover of NGM.

47] Cosmopolitan, June 1983, Page 266, “An Inside Look at National Geographic”: This four page article contains several color photographs, one with nudity, and talks about the rivalry between the writers and the photographers.

48] Historic Preservation Magazine, October, 1984, Page 2, "From the Editor".  This one page editorial by Thomas J Colin discusses how the Society just completed a brand new building while, at the same time, restoring their heritage, Hubbard Hall.  It shows the Society's past is more than 'skin deep'.

49] AB Bookman's Yearbook, 1985 Part I, Page 266, "The O.P. Market": This is a forty page "Reference Directory of Antiquarian and Specialist Booksellers".  On page 292, separate from "Magazines" and "Geography", there are three listings related to National Geographic: "National Geographic Magazines", "National Geographic Maps and Ephemera", and "National Geographic Society Publications".  Note: among those listed under "National Geographic Magazines" is Don Smith.

50] Regardie’s Magazine, March 1985, Cover Story – Page 50, “All the World’s a Page”: This twelve page article includes photos of the Washington complex and a full page blowup of the first nude NGM photo (1896) with the caption “Get a load of them Zulus”.

51] MIT Technology Review Magazine, Aug./Sept. 1985, Page 4, "What You Told Us": This is a one-page discussion in the "First Read" section of the magazine.  It discusses how the National Geographic is in third place in all Technology Review readers following Time and Scientific American.

xx] The Saturday Evening Post, September 1985, Page 8, A NatGeo-esque cartoon, but not really a reference.  It appears on John Carey's list.

52a]  American Cinematographer, October 1985, Page 50: "20 Years with National Geographic, Part I of two parts - NG Specials".  This fifteen-page article deals with the Society's first shows; Everest, Grizzlies, Apes and the Lonely Doryman.  This was National Geographic's first group of documentary specials.

52b]  American Cinematographer, November, 1985, Page 60:  "20 Years with National Geographic, Part II of two parts".  This eleven-page article with many color photographs is about the people who film and make NG movies and Specials.

53] American Cinematographer, January, 1986, Page 58, "Explorer Series Goes High and Low": This ten-page article discusses the National Geographic Explorer television series and its move from Nickelodeon to TBS.

54] American Photographer, December 1987, Cover Story – Page 62, “A Geographic Century”: This fourteen page article is about the NGS centennial history by C.D.B. Bryan. It has many black & white and color photo, including the Zulu couple again.

54.1] American Photographer, December 1987, Page 94, “The Wizards”: This is a two page follow-on article about the National Geographic’s photographic problem solvers.

55] American History Illustrated, December 1987, Page 16, “A Society for the Increase and Diffusion of Geographic Knowledge”: This twelve page article is a reprint of a portion of C.D.B. Bryan’s book The National Geographic Society: 100 Years of Adventure and Discovery. A painting of the founding of the Society by Stanley Meltzoff spans the top half of the first two pages. A key to the painting identifying the 33 founders is on the following page. Several black and white photos are interspersed throughout the article as are color photos of various NGM cover designs.

56] Newsweek Magazine, August 8, 1988, Page 31, “Lost on Planet Earth”: This one page article is about a report by the NGS on the dismall state of geographic knowledge in America. The report is based on a survey conducted by Gallup in several industrialized countries. Among 18- to 24-year-olds, Americans scored dead last.

57] Photo Magazine, January 1989, Cover Story – Page 9, “100 Ans de Decouvertes et D’Exploits”: This French magazine is dedicated to the NGS and has 9 articles and hundreds of photographs over eighty-one pages. Articles include: 100 years in photographs, people, places, animals, science, conquest of the poles, space exploration, the pyramids, and a photo tour of the NGS headquarters. The photos, which include my favorite: the headless headhunter from 1912, are quite enjoyable. I just wish I could read French, although I can get the gist of most of it from the many photos.

58]  Insight Magazine, March, 1989, Page 48: National Geographic Refreshing Its Lens."  This three-page article discusses the Society's expenditure of 40 million dollars to improve the students’ knowledge of geography.

59] House and Garden Magazine, October, 1989, Page 100: "Society's Café."  This is a three-page article about Mortimer's in Manhattan and it shows a menu in the form of a NG magazine for Nina Hyde.  This is not really NG, but just shows the menu and is under the Food section.

60] Money Magazine, April 1990, Page 79, “Recently I became the heir to a colossal collection of National Geographic magazines…”: Not really an article, just one question posed in the section “Money Helps”. Very similar to the one in the 1991 Consumer Reports, but the answer is a lot more humerous.

61] Time Magazine, April 30, 1990, Page 89, “When Cultures Clash”, This one page article is about the firing of Wilber Garrett as NGM editor.

62] Consumer Reports, January 1991, Page 59, “What’s an old Geographic worth?”: Not really an article, just one question posed In the section “A Question of Money”.

63Forbes Magazine, January 21, 1991, Page 42, "The World is Our Theme.":  This is a four-page article about National Geographic making its mark in television and trying its hand on audio-visual education, all under the guiding hand of the Grosvenor family.

64Air and Space Magazine, April/May 1991, Page 76, "The Height of Ambition": This eight-page article is about pioneer balloonists going into the stratosphere culminating with the NGS-sponsored Explorer II flight.

65] Nude & Natural, 1992 Vol. 11, No, 4, Page 23, "The Geographic Needs a Nude Attitude Adjustment"": This two page cover story discusses the lack of white nudity in the National Geographic Magazine.

65.1] Nude & Natural, 1992 Vol. 11, No. 4, Page 25, "The Occidental Tourist": There is a photograph from National Geographic at the beginning of this book review on East Asian travel.  Note: It is not in the book itself.

66] The New Yorker, October 11, 1993, Page 112, “Kindly Visions”: This eight page article in “The Critics” section is a book review of “Reading the National Geographic”, a book that argues that the NGM makes Americans feel at home in a world that does not exist.

67] Chicago Tribune TV Week, February 6-12, 1994, Page 5, "Reflections on Elephants: A Love Story":  This one-page cover story is about the NGS Special by the same name.

68] Grolier Story of America Cards, 1996, one card in a series of 2,600 (1994-2001).  AKA Life in America cards. The card is entitled "National Geographic Magazine" with both sides containing many facts about the magazine and the Society.

69]  American Photo Magazine, July/August, 2002, Page 43: "Photographers of the Year".  This is an eleven-page article on Steve McCurry.  It shows many photographs of his work, especially the Afghan girl photograph of 1984 and again seventeen years later.

70]   American Photo Magazine, Sept./Oct., 2002, Page 38: "San Abell Staying Composed".  This is a four-page article about National Geographic photographer San Abell as he details how patience can pay off with a perfect frame.

71] American Photo Magazine, May/June, 2003, Page 52:  This is a listing of the top 25 photographers for the year.  One page has National Geographic’s Chris Johns as a member of this group.

72] Newsweek, November 10, 2003, Page 9, "Children's Books, Kennedy's Camelot for Kids": This one-page article is about the top 10 JFK books of all time, including the Nat Geo book, "High Hopes: A Photography of John F. Kennedy".

73American Photo Magazine, Nov/Dec, 2003, Page 72: "NG Master Class."  This eight-page article discusses the four essential aspects of visual style, light, color, and composition.

74American Photo Magazine, Jan/Feb, 2004, Page 56:  "Digital Takes Off...Inside National Geographic's Break-Through Story."  This is a six-page article about the National Geographic issue to be totally executed digitally.

75American Heritage of Invention and Technology, Fall, 2006, Page 28: "Space Shot 1935".  This is a nine-page article about the first Explorer and its partially successful launch on July 28, 1934.

76] Metro Times Chronicle, Spring 2012 (Vol. 2, No. 1), Cover Story – Page 6, “NarcoGeographic: How the National Geographic Channel Went to Pot”: This three page article laments the lack of journalistic integrity in the new breed of pseudo-reality TV programming on the NGC. It is very similar to the Baltimore Sun article below.

77] Scouting Magazine, January/February 2013, page 32, "Game On":  This is a six-page article about the Nat Geo Channel's new reality show pitting current scouts against adult, former scouts.

78] The New Yorker, April 22, 2013, Page 102, “Yellow Fever: 125 Years of National Geographic”: This seven page article in the “Critic at Large” department by Adam Gopnik paints the Society as being racist and sexist while, at the same time, being disappointed in the lack of nudity: “… the fight for one true map of the world, point by point and native by native, even, though not often, nipple by nipple.”

79] USA Today: Special Edition, Fall 2013, Page 1, "National Geographic Society Turns 125": This forty-eight page booklet is exclusively (cover to cover) about the Society.  It has many articles and no advertisements.

80] Taschen Magazine, Winter 2013/2014, Page 54, "The Big Picture": This twenty-two-page article, with many photographs, is about how the National Geographic revolutionized photography and the art of storytelling.

81] Blancpain, Lettres du Brassus #15, 2014, Page 24, "Exploring Franz Josef Land": This is an eighteen-page article about the National Geographic Pristine Seas expedition to the area.  It was written by NG explorer-in-residence, Dr. Eric Sala.

82] The Baltimore Sun, August 28, 2014, Page 3, “National Geographic’s cheap shot”: This article is about a show on the NatGeo channel. It compares the magazine favorably to the reality show culture of the TV channel.

83] Wheels of Time, November/December 2014, Page 32, "Trucks Race the Clock from Coast to Coast": This nine-page article is a reprint from the February 1974 issue of National Geographic.  It also contains a photo of the cover and a chart comparing trucks from 1974 to those from 2014.

84Skeptical Inquirer, May/June 2015, Page 9, "Thanks National Geographic": This artical appears in the "News and Comments" section of the magazine. It is a recognition by the skeptical community of the bravery of the NGS for publishing the article "The Age of Disbelief".

84.1] Chronicles, A Magazine of American Culture, July 15, 2015, Blog, "National Geographic Goes Hyper-Political": This three page article written by John Seiler is a conservative rebuttal to the article "The Age of Disbelief".

85] Ad Astra, Spring 2016, Page 8, "NSS Correspondence": Not really a reference, but this is a one-page on a new National Space Society chapter in India.  The photo portrait of the chapter founders has the February 1969 National Geographic map of the Moon in the background.

86] The Catonsville Times, July 13, 2016, Page 6, "Video shows wandering bear enjoying Catonsville": This short article discusses a video referred to as "... a homemade 'National Geographic: Catonsville'."

87] Time Magazine, November 14, 2016, Page 8, "'Green-eyed girl' held in Pakistan": This one paragraph item is one of four entries in a sidebar entitled "Ticker".  It documents the arrest of Sharbat Gula, the Afghani girl made famous on the cover of a 1985 National Geographic, for ID fraud.

88] Digital Photo Pro Magazine, December 2016, Page 50: This is a five-page article about photographer, Jodi Cobb.  There are multiple mentions of National Geographic during his career as a photographer.

89] Taschen Magazine, Winter 2016/2017, Page 40, "The United States of America with National Geographic": This is a ten-page article promoting their new book of the same name.  It has many pictures.

90] Entertainment Magazine, January 27, 2017, Page 62, "The Art of National Geographic Infographics":  This is a two-page article is about the new book of the same name.

91] Emmy, 2017 #3, Page 50, "Setting the Genius Bar": This is a six-page article about Ron Howard and Brian Grazer setting the bar high when they cast Geoffrey Rush as Einstein.  "That is why the scripted series is pure Genius."

92] TV Weekly, April 23, 2017, Page 3, "Genius": This cover story is a one-page preview of the National Geographic's Global Event Series: Genius, starring Geoffrey Rush.


93] Variety Magazine, April 25, 2017, Page 48, "Thinking Outside the Border": This four-page article is about the new direction that the Nat Geo Channel is taking with Courtney Monroe.  Basically, it is "go big or go home" by entering premium scripted television.  There is also a two-page ad for "Genius".

94] Science News, April 29, 2017, Page 34, "Drama of Einstein's life unfolds in new series":  This is a one-page review of the same show.  The NGC is mentioned by name.

95] Entertainment Weekly, November 3, 2017, Page 42, "Jane Goodall's Origin Story":  This is a two-page movie review for "Jane" a documentary about Jane Goodall.  The movie includes material from the '60s that was found in National Geographic's archives in 2014.

96] TV Weekly, November 5-11, 2017, Page 3, "The Long Road Home": This is a one-page review by Lori Acken of "National Geographic's Must-See Event Series".  It has a banner reference with color photo on the cover.

97] Cruise Travel, January/February 2018, Page 26, "Ship of the Month National Geographic Quest":   This is a six-page cover story on the newest ship in the Lindblad Expedition's fleet.

98] Far & Away, Issue 1, Spring 2018, Page 1: This is a 56-page magazine insert to the Wall Street Journal jointly produced by the NGS and Dow Jones & Company.  This item was produced when National Geographic was part of Fox Entertainment, and the WSJ and Fox were both owned by Rupert Murdoch. It was a pilot issue that never panned out.

99] TV Weekly, July 15-21, 2018, Page 26, "Cheers to Yellowstone": This short paragraph about the TV drama Yellowstone is in the "Cheers and Jeers" section.  It describes the show as having "the jaw-dropping look of a National Geographic special and the backstabbing soul of a soap".

100] Boys' Life, August 2018, Page 16, "Explorer Academy The Nebula Secret": This is a four-page excerpt from Chapter 1 of the "Nebula Secret", book one of the new Explorer Academy series from National Geographic. There is also a full page ad on the rear cover for NG Kids book series Absolute Experts as well as the book Animal Smackdown.

101] The Mount, Fall 2018, Page 10, "Storytelling with Purpose": This two-page article in "The Magazine for Mount Saint Joseph", a Catholic high school in Baltimore. The article profiles Matthew Holden Warren, a 1995 alumnus and a freelance photographer.  The article includes this passage: "A pivotal point in Holden's career came about while he was studying yoga in India.  There, he met a National Geographic photographer who invited him to work on her next project, a French feature film in Namibia called The Trail".

102] Skeptical Inquirer, May/June 2019, Page 51, "Dragon Hoaxes: Piltdown Men of Creationism": This study documents how young-earth creationists often fall for hoaxes perpetrated centuries ago.  In the intro, the Piltdown man hoax is used to describe the anatomy of a fossil-based hoax.  The background continues: "Fossil-base hoaxes continue; in 1999, an article in National Geographic gave the name Archaeoraptor to a specimen that seemed to be an evolutionary intermediate between dinosaurs and birds."  A subsequent study showed it was compose of at least two species, a bird and a dinosaur.

103] Skeptical Inquirer, September/October 2019, Page 30, "The Remedies of National Geographic": This seven-page article by Victor Benson is a less than flattering review of six National Geographic books about natural remedies.  The National Geographic Society has a "passion for science".  But these books, while avoiding the debate on alternative medicines, make claims that are unscientific and unsupported by evidence.  The books are even inconsistent with each other.

103.1] Skeptical Inquirer, September/October 2019, Page 37, "National Geographic Book Is a 'Natural' Disaster": This is a two-page book review by Harriet Hall for the book "Nature's Best Remedies" by Nancy J. Hajeski.  The review states that the information in the book is biased, incomplete, unscientific, and sometimes even dangerous, and that the author has no medical or scientific credentials.

104] Skeptical Inquirer, January/February 2020, Page 6, "Wither National Geographics?  SI Letter Protesting Its Natural Healing Books": This two-page editorial by Kendrick Frasier discusses the previous articles by Victor Benson and Harriet Hall.  It states the National Geographic magazine still has a high editorial standard; the Natural Healing books were an aberration, or a money making operation; and the Society's recent output as a whole shows no danger of becoming tainted."

104.1] Skeptical Inquirer, January/February 2020, Page 8, " Cosmos: Possible Worlds to Premier March 9, 2020": This one-column blurb advertises the upcoming third season of Cosmos on the National Geographic Channel, and on Fox in the summer.

104.2] Skeptical Inquirer, January/February 2020, Page 65, "Letters to he Editor":  This section includes three letters regarding the Nat Geo Natural Remedies book reviews, all supporting the article and showing disappointment in the NGS.  Their is also an editor's note referring the writers to read his editorial on the subject.

105] TV Weekly, April 19-25, 2020, Page 1, "Jane Goodall: The Hope": This nearly full-page cover story is an interview with Jane Goodall and a promo for her upcoming TV Special on Nat Geo and Nat Geo Wild. Its subtitle is "The Admired Animal Advocate Shares Her Life".  It was written by Taylor Neumann.

105.1] TV Weekly, April 19-25, 2020, Page 24, "Earth Dat Turns Fifty": This two-page article list the special programming for Earth Day.  It has several shows listed for Nat Geo Wild and a one-column piece entitled "National Geographic Channel's Earth Day 50th Anniversary Programming".

106] Skeptical Inquirer, May/June 2020, Page 57, "National Geographic's Name Used to Sell the Supernatural": This two-page article reviews the National Geographic book, Science of the Supernatural: Dare to Discover the Truth".  Showing two sides where only one is scientific is no way to "discover the truth".

107] ad Astra, 2002-2, Pages 14, "Cosmos is Back": This is a half-page announcement of the new season of the National Geographic Channel series, Cosmos.

107.1] ad Astra, 2002-2, Page 18, "Cosmos: Possible Worlds": This is a four-page review of the new season of the NGC series Cosmos written by Susan Karlin, and includes an interview with the show's host, Neil deGrasse Tyson.

108] Skeptical Inquirer, July/August 2020, Page 32, "Exploring Possible Worlds with Ann Druyan": This four-page interview by Rob Palmer of Ann Druyan discusses the series "Cosmos: Possible Worlds" on the National Geographic Channel among other topics.

109] TV Weekly, March 21-27, 2021, Page 1, "Genius: Aretha": This cover story is about season 3 of Genius on Nat Geo.  It is about Aretha Franklyn and spans six different pages - the cover photo, a half-page article on page 3, and four blurbs in the "Best Bets" column for the days Sunday through Wednesday (Pages 7, 15, 19, & 25).

109.1] TV Weekly, March 21-27, 2021, Page 16, "Did You know?": There is an entry in this column for the upcoming premier of "Race to the Center of the Earth" on Nat Geo.

110] Parade, Sunday April 18, 2021, Page 2, "Whale of a Tale": This is a one paragraph promo, with photograph, for National Geographic's four-part series "Secrets of the Whales" dropping on Disney+ on Earth Day (April 22, 2021).

111] The Baltimore Sun, Monday May 3, 2021, Page 1, "Rocks of Ages": This 2-page article about mantle and ancient ocean crust being found in the Baltimore, Maryland area. First mentioned in the journal Geosphere, an article was posted on line by the National Geographic Society.  This newspaper article mentions that fact.

112] TV Weekly, June 20-26, 2021, Page 1, "Impact":  This cover story is about the Nat Geo special hosted by Gal Godot about amazing women.  It includes the cover, a half-page article on page 3, and a blurb on page 35, each mentioning Nat Geo.

113] TV Weekly, July 4-10, 2021, Page 1, "Sharkfest 2021":  This article by Jeff Peiffer covers the annual programming on Nat Geo, Nat Geo Wild, Disney XD, and Disney+.  It includes a cover banner, with photo, the article on page 3, and three blurbs on page 15 for "When Sharks Attack", "Shark Beach", and "Rogue Shark?". 

114] Popular Mechanics, November/December 2021, Cover, "Save the Northern White Rhino":  The eight-page article (Page 60) has no reference to the Society, but the cover photo is credited to Joel Sartore/National Geographic Photo Ark on Page 3.

115] USA Today, Through May 2, 2022, Page 1, "Earth Day": All articles in this special are about Earth Day shows on the Nat Geo Channel; several are about "The Last Tepui", and the rest about other shows - Whales, Polar Bears, etc.  40 pages in all, cover to cover.

116] TV Weekly, August 24-30, 2022, Cover, "Running Wild with Bear Grylls: The Challenge". includes a half-page article, "Catching Up with Bear Grylls", on Page 3, also a paragraph in the Highlights section outlining Episode 1 on Page 15.

117] TV Weekly, September 4-10, 2022, Cover blurb, "Edge of the Unknown with Jimmy Chin", includes a small article of the same title on Page 3, also a paragraph in the "Best Bets" section outlining the 10-part series on Page 13.

118] TV Weekly, April 14-27, 2024, Cover blurb, "New Series Secrets of the Octopus Next Sunday | Nat Geo", includes a small article of the title, "James Cameron Takes on the Underwater Aliens in Three-Part Series "Secrets of the Octopus"," on Page 5, also a paragraph in the "Best Bets" section outlining the 3-part series on Page 54.

A brief note on the numbering of these citations.  A number by itself is (obviously) an individual publication.  A number followed by a series of lower-case letters represent one article over several issues.  A number followed by a decimal represents a second article in one publication; a reprint in a second publication; or (in one case) a counterpoint article on a website.

Other parts of my peripheral collection include magazines with cartoons (some referenced in the September 1988 NGM, some not), and direct or indirect homages to the Society or to its magazine.

Tom Wilson

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Here are a few more (there have been some repeats on my prior list, sorry)

Winter 2013/2014, pg. 54.   Taschen Magazine  "The Big Picture".  This is a 21-page article with many, many pictures on how the National geographic revolutionized photography and the art of storytelling.

Issue 34, 2014 pg.10.  Wreck Diving Magazine.  "U-166 and the Robert E. Le."  This is a twelve page article about the Nova/National Geographic documentary of the same name.

#15, 2014, pg. 24.  Blancpain, Lettres du Brassus.  "Exploring Franz Josef Land."  This is an 18-page article about the National Geographic Pristine Seas expedition with Blancpain of the Russian arctic.  The text is by Dr. Enric Sala a NG explorer-on-residence.

December, 2016, pg. 50  Digital Photo Pro Magazine.  This is a five page article about photographer Jodi Cobb.  There are multiple mentions of the NG during his career as a photographer.

Winter 2016/2017, pg. 40.  Taschen.  "The United States of America with National geographic."  This is a 10-page article promoting their new book of the same name.  Many pictures.

January 27, 2017, pg. 2.  Entertainment Magazine.  "The Art of National Geographic."  A two-page article about a new book entitled "The Art of National Geographic Infographics."

April 25, 2017, pg. 48.  Variety Magazine.  "Thinking Outside the Border."  A four-page article about the new direction that NG Channel is taking with Courteney Monroe.  Basically, it is "go big or go home" by entering premium scripted television in the hope that the Channel will become essential.  We will see more shows like "Genius".  NG has been spending $300 million for 00 hours, now Monroe will spend $400 million for 150 hours.  There is also a two page ad for Genius in the magazine.  A very impressive magazine.

Issue #3, 2017, pg. 50.  Emmy.  "setting the Genius Bar."  This is a -page article about Ron Howard and Brian Grazer setting the bar high when casting Geoffrey Rush as Einstein.  "That is why the scripted series is pure Genius."

2017, pg. 1-40.  USA Today (newspaper)--Special Edition.  This was for sale in early 2017 with 16 articles about all aspects of the mini-series "Genius".

That's all Folks!



Of the 34 you listed here, 15 were duplicates leaving 19 new items for me to research.

Thanks a lot !!! :-)


Note: I just added a citation for the Fall 2013 USA Today: Special Edition entitled "National Geographic Society Turns 125".  It is 48 pages long and is cover to cover all NatGeo.

Note: I just added ten new citations for article from Jeff's recently added list.  These items include:

April/May 1991 Air and Space Magazine,

February 6-12, 1994 Chicago Tribune TV Week,

November 10, 2003 Newsweek,

January/February 2013 Scouting Magazine,

Winter 2013/2014 Taschen Magazine,

2014 Blancpain Lettres du Brassus #15,

December 2016 Digital Photo Pro Magazine,

Winter 2016/2017 Taschen Magazine,

January 27, 2017 Entertainment Magazine, and

April 25, 2017 Variety Magazine.

Note: I just added a citation to my list for the 2017 #3 issue of "Emmy" and its six-page article "Setting the Genius Bar" about the Net Geo scripted series, "Genius".

Note: I just added a citation for the 1976 AB Bookman's Yearbook Part 1, "Maps & Atlases".  The article "Cartography in University Education" mentions the National Geographic Society.

Note: I just added a citation for the 1985 AB Bookman Yearbook Part I.  It has three listings related to National Geographic in "The O.P. Market".


I would like to add another citation:

Entertainment Magazine, November 3, 2017,pages 42-43.  "Jane Goodall's Origin Story"  This two page article is about the documentary "Jane"  and mentions that the footage shot in the early 1960's by photographer Hugo van Lawick (who was to become her husband and later divorced) was discovered in the National Geographic archives in 2014 and became the genesis for the film.  This footage had been forgotten for decades.  The movie is out now.

Enjoy the movie,


Note: I just added a citation for this item.  Thanks Jeff.

Note: I just added a citation for the Nov. 5-11, 2017 TV Weekly with a review of Nat Geo's "The Long Road Home".

Note: I just added a citation for the Nov/Dec 2014 Wheels of Time.  It contains a reprint of an article from the February 1974 National Geographic, "Trucks Race the Clock from Coast to Coast".  Thanks for the heads up on this one, Jeff.

Note: I just added a citation for the July 1968 Playboy article, "My Country, Far Right or Wrong" (Page 93).  In it, there is an extremely racist quote that mentions National Geographic.



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