I have a large collections of Maps to sell. All are in
excellent condition.
They have been stored in the acid free
materials and have never been handle for years and many not at all. This
is my person collection. I have included a complete list. If you would
like a copy in the cell format in word-doc, I would be happy to send it.
this is to be sold as a complete set.
please email me.
List of 175 National Geographic maps
· examined
the map; codes are:
o A = astronomy-related (sky chart or map of
Moon or Mars)
o C = cultural
o E = environmental
o G =
o H = historical
o P = physical
o S = standard
o SR = standard road map
o T = topographic
o X =
o * = pictorial (not a map)
o some are double coded
from above codes
· Scale generally applies to the smallest scale
map or main map for sheets with multiple maps (particularly
front-and-back maps).
· Several series are coded as follows (with
numbers indicating place in sequence):
o AP = Atlas Plate
o CU =
Close-Up: USA
o CUC = Close-Up: Canada
o MA = Making of America
o SP = Special Places of the World
o MC = Making of Canada
GP = Great Peoples
MM = Millennium in Maps
Type Year
Month Scale (1 to ?) Map Title Series
S 1939 4 505,000
Reaches of New York City
S 1939 12 5,702,400 Mexico, Central
America, and the West Indies
S 1940 5 6,000,000 Europe and the Near
S 1949 10 14,000,000 Top of the World
S 1950 3 12,000,000
Africa and the Arabian Peninsula
S 1950 6 2,500,000 Northwestern
United States and neighboring Canadian Provinces
S 1950 12 2,500,000
Western Europe
S 1951 3 15,000,000 Asia and Adjacent Areas
1951 6 5,000,000 United States 9 maps
S 1951 9 2,500,000 Central
Europe including the Balkan States 26 maps
S 1951 12 40,000,000 World
* 1952 1 Adoration of the Magi
S 1952 3 11,000,000 North
S 1953 10 3,500,000 China Coast and Korea
S 1962 6
9,504,000 Europe AP 30
S 1962 8 1,013,760 United States: Washington
to Boston AP 7
S 1962 9 7,286,400 East South America AP 27
S 1962
11 7,920,000 Southern Africa AP 57
S 1962 12 4,942,080 West Indies AP
S 1963 2 9,820,800 Antarctica AP 65
S 1963 4 3,041,280
Scandinavia AP 34
S 1963 5 8,236,800 Southwest Asia AP 48
S 1963 7
2,851,200 Central Canada AP 24
S 1963 9 6,969,600 Australia AP 59
1963 10 7,920,000 Africa: Countries of the Nile AP 56
S 1963 12
506,880 Holy Land Today AP 52
S 1964 2 6,652,800 Northwestern South
America AP 26
S 1964 4 15,206,400 North America AP 4
H 1964 5
1,850,000 Shakespeare's Britain
S 1964 7 133,056 Greater New York AP
S 1964 11 6,652,800 China AP 50
S 1964 12 76,032 Suburban
Washington AP 21
S 1965 1 4,707,648 Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, and
S 1965 2 39,283,200 World
S 1965 5 1,330,560 Nile
Valley: Land of the Pharaohs AP 58
S 1965 9 1,330,560 Switzerland,
Austria, and Northern Italy AP 36
S 1965 11 20,021,760 Top of the
World AP 3
S 1966 5 1,647,360 Northern California/Southern California
AP 68/69
S 1966 8 7,920,000 Northwest Africa AP 55
S 1966 9
5,068,800 Western Canada AP 25
S 1967 2 1,900,800 Vietnam, Cambodia,
Laos, and Thailand
S 1967 3 11,404,800 Eastern Soviet Union AP 46
1967 5 2,851,200 Eastern Canada AP 20
P 1967 10 19,000,000 Indian
Ocean Floor
S 1967 12 2,851,200 Lands of the Bible Today
S 1968 2
4,561,920 United States
H 1968 10 2,250,000 Archeological Map of
Middle America
S 1968 12 6,000,000 Southeast Asia
A 1969 2
11,620,000 Earth's Moon
S 1969 6 6,488,064 Europe
SP 1969 10
36,432,000 Pacific Ocean Floor/Pacific Ocean
S 1970 1 4,815,360 West
Indies and Central America
S 1970 6 1,900,800 Traveler's Map of
A 1970 8 Heavens
P 1971 10 10,011,000 Arctic Ocean Floor
HC 1971 12 14,572,800 Peoples of Africa
S 1972 3 7,460,000
PC 1972 7 7,096,000 Cultural Map of the Middle East
1972 10 10,700,000 South America
H 1972 12 10,610,000 Indians of
North America 25 maps
A 1973 2 31,770,000 Red Planet: Mars
1973 3 2,000,000 Close-up: U.S.A.: Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana,
Wyoming CU 1
S 1973 5 3,803,000 Mexico/Central America
SR 1973 8
1,570,000 Close-up: U.S.A.: Wisconsin, Michigan, and the Great Lakes CU 6
1973 9 Teammates in mankind's greatest adventure
SR 1973 11
1,331,000 Close-Up: U.S.A.: Florida with Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin
Islands CU 9
SR 1974 3 2,350,000 Close-Up: U.S.A.: North Dakota,
South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri CU 4
S 1974
4 1,675,000 Traveler's Map of the British Isles
SR 1974 6 1,700,000
Close-up: U.S.A.: California, Nevada CU 2
SR 1974 10 2,350,000
Close-up: U.S.A.: Arkansas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Texas CU 5
SH 1974
12 18,000,000 Discoverers of the Pacific
SR 1975 3 1,050,000
Close-Up: U.S.A.: Maine with the Maritime Provinces of Canada CU 13
1975 6 3,295,000 Close-Up: U.S.A.: Alaska CU 14
SR 1975 7 614,600
Close-Up: U.S.A.: New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island,
Connecticut CU 12
SR 1975 10 1,780,000 Close-Up: U.S.A.: Tennessee,
North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi CU 8
1975 11 48,140,000 World
SC 1976 2 10,140,000 Peoples of the Soviet
Union/Soviet Union
SR 1976 4 675,000 Close-Up: U.S.A.: Hawaii CU 15
1976 7 4,560,000 Portrait U.S.A.
SR 1976 10 886,000 Close-Up:
U.S.A.: Maryland, Virginia, Delaware, West Virginia CU 10
E 1976 12
58,090,000 Whales of the World 21 maps
SR 1977 2 1,267,000 Close-Up:
U.S.A.: Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky CU 7
SH 1977 5 6,488,000
Celtic Europe/Europe
X 1977 7 8,250,000 Wild and Scenic Rivers
1977 10 2,124,000 Close-Up: U.S.A.: Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Colorado
CU 3
H 1977 12 11,400,000 Colonization and Trade in the New World
1978 1 1,215,000 Close-Up: U.S.A.: New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania
CU 11
SR 1978 4 3,500,000 Close-Up: Canada: British Columbia,
Alberta, Yukon Territory CUC 1
T 1978 7 24,000 Heart of the Grand
Canyon/Grand Canyon
S 1978 9 6,700,000 Middle East
SR 1978 12
3,000,000 Close-Up: Canada: Ontario CUC 2
S 1979 2 6,394,000
Australia: Land of Living Fossils/Australia
SR 1979 5 2,600,000
Close-Up: Canada: Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Northwest Territories CUC 3
1979 10 1,687,000 Medieval England/British Isles
S 1980 2
14,400,000 Africa: Its Political Development/Africa
SR 1980 5
3,700,000 Close-Up: Canada: Quebec, Newfoundland CUC 4
H 1980 9
12,000,000 Mideast in Turmoil
SH 1980 12 5,148,000 Visitor's Guide
to the Aztec World/Mexico and Central America
S 1981 2 4,500,000
Tourist Islands of the West Indies/West Indies and Central America
1981 4 1,071,000 Ireland and Northern Ireland: A Visitor's Guide
1981 7 Solar System
SP 1981 12 39,370,000 World/World Ocean Floor
1982 3 22,500,000 Indians of South America 22 maps
* 1982 4 Face
and Faith of Poland
S 1982 9 4,560,000 America's Federal
Lands/United States
H 1982 12 4,730,000 Historic
Mediterranean/Mediterranean Seafloor
SH 1983 2 8,721,000 Peoples of
the Arctic
H 1983 3 1,318,000 Making of America: Atlantic Gateways
MA 2
* 1983 6 Journey into the Universe through Space and Time
1983 8 2,566,000 Making of America: Deep South MA 3
H 1983 11
865,100 Making of America: Hawaii MA 4
SH 1983 12 5,640,000 History
of Europe: The Major Turning Points/Europe
H 1984 1 4,295,000 Making
of America: Alaska MA 5
H 1984 4 1,871,000 Making of America: Far
West MA 6
SH 1984 6 2,982,000 Japan/Historical Japan
H 1984 8
2,000,000 Making of America: Central Rockies MA 7
SC 1984 10
1,850,000 Traveler's Map of Spain and Portugal
SC 1984 12 6,522,000
Peoples of South Asia/South Asia with Afghanistan and Burma
H 1985 2
1,735,000 Making of America: Northern Approaches MA 8
P 1985 4
1,057,000 Traveler's Map of the Alps
G 1985 8 78,890,000 Shaping of a
Continent: North America's Active West
H 1985 9 2,301,000 Making of
America: Central Plains MA 9
P 1985 11 6,929,000 Canada's
H 1985 12 1,551,000 Making of America: Ohio
Valley MA 10
H 1986 3 2,736,000 Making of America: Texas MA 11
1986 4 2,534,000 Central America Past and Present
SH 1986 7
2,844,000 History of the Philippines/Philippines 24 maps
H 1986 8
2,216,000 Making of America: Pacific Northwest MA 12
H 1987 2
1,056,000 Making of America: New England MA 14
H 1987 7 2,309,000
Making of America: Great Lakes MA 15
SH 1987 9 4,560,000 Territorial
Growth of the United States/United States
H 1987 11 4,395,000 Making
of America: West Indies MA 16
T 1988 11 50,000 Mount Everest
1989 2 413,500 Special Places of the World: Yellowstone and Grand Teton
SP 1
* 1989 6 March Toward Extinction
SH 1989 7 2,280,000
Historical France: Evolution of a Nation/France
SH 1989 10 1,609,000
Land of the Maya: A Traveler's Map
S 1989 11 23,000,000
SH 1989 12 405,500 Special Places of the World: Holy
Land SP 2
P 1990 1 31,860,000 World Ocean Floors: Arctic
Ocean/Atlantic Ocean
SH 1990 3 10,140,000 Soviet Union
* 1990 8
Portraits of Our Celestial Family
SC 1990 9 28,050 Special Places
of the World: New York City SP 3
SE 1990 12 14,220,000 Africa:
SH 1991 7 7,819,000 China
SP 1991 9 1,581,000
Traveler's Map of Germany/Germany
H 1991 10 7,747,000 Native
American Heritage: A Visitors Guide
H 1991 12 12,470,000 World War
II: Europe and North Africa/Asia and the Pacific
H 1992 2 15,040,000
Spain in the Americas
SH 1992 4 2,914,000 Making of Canada: British
Columbia MC 2
P 1992 6 37,870,000 World Ocean Floors: Pacific
Ocean/Indian Ocean
24 maps 24 maps
SP 1992 8 11,890,000 Amazonian: A World Resource at
SC 1992 10 2,382,000 Southwest U.S.A.
P 1992 12 8,400,000
E 1993 1 19,112,000 North America in the Age of Dinosaurs
1993 7 2,208,000 Coastal California
SH 1993 10 2,980,000 Making of
Canada: Atlantic Canada MC 3
SE 1993 11 4,560,000 Water/United States
SP 1994 2 33,120,000 World
S 1994 5 3,805,000 Alaska
1994 7 1,000,000 Boston to Washington
SC 1994 9 4,358,000 Traveler's
Map of Mexico/Mexico
SH 1994 12 3,017,000 Making of Canada: Prairie
Provinces MC 4
SP 1995 9 850,000 Hawaii
SC 1996 2 7,080,000
SH 1996 4 84,840 Old City: Jerusalem
SH 1996 6
2,667,000 Making of Canada: Ontario MC 5
SP 1996 10 6,766,000 Federal
Lands in the Fifty States/United States
H 1996 12 18,500,000
Mongols GP 1
C 1997 2 35,660,000 Dawn of Humans + 2
SC 1997 5
7,345,000 South Asia with Afghanistan and Myanmar/India
H 1997 7
8,351,000 Romans GP 2
SH 1997 9 6,186,000 Making of Canada: The North
MC 6
H 1997 12 2,400,000 Mesoamericans GP 3
H 1998 2 54,109,440
Millennium in Maps: Exploration MM 1
PE 1998 5 54,100,000 Millennium
in Maps: Physical Earth MM 2
E 1998 7 16,000,000 Natural Hazards of
North America
E 1999 2 54,109,440 Millennium in Maps: Biodiversity
MM 5
H 1999 12 Greeks GP 4
H 2002 5 5,450,000 Incas GP 6
2002 9 49,611,000 World Transformed/Thirsty Planet 6 maps
I will add some pictures shortly.
this map to be sold separately. Not part of the above collection.
I also have a - The World Map "Special Edition Prepared for Nelson Doubleday INC
"Around The World Program"presented by The American Geographical Society scale is 40,600.00
This map was presented before his son took over the company in 1922 and the company became Doubleday, Doran & Co.