National Geographic's Collectors Corner

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Scott T. Shier's Comments

Comment Wall (68 comments)

At 11:51am on January 6, 2017, Lovisa said…

Thank you Scott for reaching out! 

We still have ways to go, but please see below what I'm looking for: 

I am still looking for years 1888-1973 w a few exceptions. Also looking for 1975, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1984, 2004, 2009-2016.

I do have: 1919, 1959, 1962, 1963 in the above requests so do not need those. 

Thank you!



At 3:06am on February 11, 2017, Thierry Lombry said…

Hi Scott,

With the time shift with Europe, I am not often on the Corner but you can also find me on facebook



At 3:52pm on April 11, 2017, Steve Hofman said…
Thanks for the welcome. I actually have property in the UP... not far from Mqt.... if you're familiar with the Peshekee Grade or the McCormick area. Love it up there but don't get there as often as I'd like or should. Marquette is great town.
As for me, I can't say I'm truly a collector of NG, but my father was, although I don't think he realized it.... he had every issue saved from 1947-48 to present. The first 10 years or so were bound in blue hardcovers with a gold embossing on them, six issues per book. Unfortunately the covers had to be removed in order to bind them. The 1959 through about '65 issues also have the covers removed in preparation to be bound but I don't know if those covers became unavailable or why he never finished them. The rest of the magazines from '65-'66 are intact, including the indexes and as far as I can tell all maps and inserts are still there. Everything seems to me in excellent condition.
He also had about 90 special edition hardcover books.
As I stated earlier, I can't really consider myself to truly be a collector although I wish I could.... when I look through them they are just so cool I can't help but feel that the intrinsic value, not to mention the sentimental value, is far greater than any monetary value. I just don't know if I have the room for all of them or would be able to store them properly.
That's what drew me to join this site... hoping for some advise and suggestions. I know there's not really a lot of monetary value and would hate to see the collection get broken apart for the few pieces that may be desirable to somebody for a little bit of money. If that's the case then I may as well keep the issues that I find desirable, along with the maps and inserts, and either trash the rest or if possible, donate them.
Quite the dilemma and time is running short because my father's house is going up for sale.
Thanks for listening, and thanks again for the welcome.
Let me know if you have any suggestions.

At 10:06am on April 11, 2018, Jon McDonald said…

Thank you for having me

At 11:52am on September 11, 2018, George Thomas Wilson said…

Thanks Scott,

You and Phil (especially Phil) have posted so many covers and map in albums, I thought I'd throw in my two cents.

At 1:21pm on June 29, 2019, Ron Choquette said…

Hi Scott

I’ve been dealing with health and family issues for quite some time.  Finally starting to see daylight and hope to commence posting some of my unique article reprint .jpgs and data, into the group I started, soon.  

Just in the process of finding and sorting all of the items.  I do have a number of, what I believe, are one offs (in that, I’ve never before seen them identified online).

At 7:49am on August 19, 2019, John Pramberg said…

Sorry...Just saw your post...Thank-you for your good wishes!

At 6:57am on February 21, 2020, Richard Darst said…
Thanks for the welcome!
At 12:36pm on April 01, 2020, Anthony J. Chesser gave Scott T. Shier a gift
At 2:03pm on January 5, 2021, Deia Cassidy said…
Thank you for the welcome!
At 1:23pm on January 11, 2021, george sheppard said…

Thanks very much yes that is the one!   

At 8:59pm on February 4, 2021, Benjamin Emmons said…

Hey I know it took all day but thanks man!

At 9:34pm on February 4, 2021, Susan said…
Thank you for the welcome!
At 11:33am on February 23, 2021, Greg Endom said…

Me too, I starting in 1968 and it became an obsession.

At 9:11am on February 24, 2021, Mike King said…

Many thanks Scott for welcoming me. 


At 9:20am on February 24, 2021, Mike King said…

Amazing! Spot on Scott, this is magazine that I am enquiring about. I have had it in my attic (safe and dry) for years and always thought it was a special edition. I have had a scan around online to see how much it may be worth but ended up even more confused with so many differences in value. This is one of the reasons for me joining the group alongside trying to start a collection of historical magazines. The copy I have is complete and in very good condition with the unused attached record. Can you point me in the direction towards who in the forum may be able to advise me? 

Many thanks


At 9:23pm on February 25, 2021, Terry Jones said…

Thank you, Scott.  Nice to be here.  And you're welcome for the info.  As time allows I will be updating My photo albums.  Tj

At 8:11pm on March 13, 2021, Hans Gunther Oberth said…

Thank You Scott ! I look forward to selling all my Nat Geos.

Let me rephrase that; I look forward to the financial benefit of selling them.

I don't look forward to being without them, but I need to sell them.

At 4:47pm on May 18, 2021, Ann Schenk said…

Thanks for the suggestions!

At 12:46am on September 29, 2021, David Brannon said…


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