Sabra Breslin


Troutville, VA

United States

Profile Information:

Troutville VA
Why do you wish to join this community?
I volunteer with Friends of the Blue Ridge Library to determine value of old books. We get lots of donations for our twice yearly sale. We've been gifted a set of bound National Geographics: vol 1-8, 1888-1896 plus a few unbound single issues from the 1920s. I was astonished to discover they may be worth a fair amount of money. I want to find out if they are legit old since they are in pristine condition. I want to price them fairly - all profits go to support the Blue Ridge Library and programs.
About Me:
I'm a retired librarian. Have always loved National Geographic. My husband and I had at one time a full collection of the cd version. We both agree if we were younger we'd keep these early editions but we're trying to downsize!
Favorite travel destination:
We were Peace Corps volunteers in Burkina Faso (Haute Volta when we were there). We both have traveled for our jobs, and for vacations. Last great adventure was China about 25 years ago.

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