
Profile Information:

St Louis

Comment Wall:

  • Scott T. Shier

    Hello Amy!

    So, how are you? I noticed your comments on the site. What sort of National Geographic interests do you have?

    Well, it's "rare" to have non-guys post or particiapte in NGS 'stuff, haha. Feel free to chat sometime.

    - Scott S.
  • Ron Ross

    Hello Amy,
    I have a bunch of National Geographic magazines for sale, from the present back to the decade of the 1920's, reasonable prices, most in very good condition. I also have lots of the maps and inserts that go in the magazines.
    I will sell them a few at a time or a whole bunch at a time, whatever suits your needs.
    I am located in Fort Smith, Arkansas. I also have my own personal collection (not for sale) dating back to about 1913.
    Where are you located?
    Best regards, Ron