Friends S10E3

Friends - Season 10, Episode 3 "The One with Ross's Tan" October 9, 2003 In the closing scene, Ross is reading a National Geographic when Chandler knocks on the door to photograph Ross's tan (notice his hand).

  • George Thomas Wilson

    The issue Ross is reading is the Newsstand Verion of the August 2003 Nat Geo:

  • Scott T. Shier

    This wasn't the first "Friends" episode w/ a NGM shown, I believe you posted at least 1 other . . . ? 

  • George Thomas Wilson

    Three others, Scott.

    1: Joey reading a Nat Geo at Central Perk.

    2: Joey holding a stack of NGs when they cleaned out a dead neighbor's apartment

    3. Ross cleaning out his dead grandmother's closet.