this sub-group can cover all minutiae related to the now-numerous "sister" publications to the venerable NGM.
To wit, here's a run-down in chronological order...
and also: the Collector's Editions that have been a staple of newsstand/retail since 2001.
George Thomas Wilson
While I am not interested in collecting the "other" magazines from NGS, I have been eyeing the coffee table sized, newsstand publications. Are these the Collector's Editions of which you speak?
Dec 10, 2014
Scott T. Shier
Tom, I'm sure we are thinking of the same thing.
Lately, they've been the yellow-bordered, stiff-stock covers "special issue" series ... usually w/ 96-120 pgs., and show Time Inc. Specials in the ISBN area. They have also increased in frequency since about 2011.
Recently I've found re-issues in Barnes & Noble that are identical but in hardcover form, w/ glossy thick DJ's.
here's the most current iteration of the home page for these, but it has been drastically edited -- they removed from archive viewing all of the older ones that are not "in stock", and even at that, the page is not updated for the latest batch from about Jan 2013 - now. However, not long after that, they did start to (finally) post the latest ones (and 2 reissues) on the NG Store site ... which they had not done prior, and I always thought that odd. page --->
NG Store --->
Dec 11, 2014