I had the same question several years back. The 1911 and 1914 maps are virtually the same railroad maps, but the 1911 map is only of existing rail lines and the 1914 is of existing and planned rail lines. The 1916 map is completely different and has the copyright year on it somewhere. Hope this helps.
George Thomas Wilson
I had the same question several years back. The 1911 and 1914 maps are virtually the same railroad maps, but the 1911 map is only of existing rail lines and the 1914 is of existing and planned rail lines. The 1916 map is completely different and has the copyright year on it somewhere. Hope this helps.
Tom Wilson
Dec 7, 2020
Helena Zar
Thank you. Incredible help!
I looked at my map, trying to find the railroads/ planned rail line you mentioned, scratching my head.
If I can trust the coloring, my map is the lighter version, one would assume its the 1914.
Is there a link to Mr. Riviere's original download of this map, I would like to compare couple places and pinpoint the true year of my map.
Dec 9, 2020