Anyone know the value of hard back National Geographic books from the 60's and 70'se? I have some in good condition that I want to sell but don't know how much to ask for them.
Greetings and Salutations Patty,
Bottom Line IS, There worth whatever someone is willing to pay for them. Natuarally that depends upon your locality and the marketplace of available buyers. A little bit of a whole lot is better than a whole lot of nothing. How bad you want to dispose of them and your willingness to make a sale are amoung other factors one should consider.
Generally speaking between 60's & 70's publications between $3-$7
Bottom Line IS, There worth whatever someone is willing to pay for them. Natuarally that depends upon your locality and the marketplace of available buyers. A little bit of a whole lot is better than a whole lot of nothing. How bad you want to dispose of them and your willingness to make a sale are amoung other factors one should consider.
Generally speaking between 60's & 70's publications between $3-$7
Oct 30, 2009