National Geographic Magazine's "sibling" publications (one big happy family)


this sub-group can cover all minutiae related to the now-numerous "sister" publications to the venerable NGM  

To wit, here's a run-down in chronological order... 

  • the old 'News Bulletin' for schools
  • (the) School Bulletin  {+ World Traveler}
  • Reach ,
  • WORLD Magazine ,
  • Traveler ,
  • Research Journal (aka Research & Exploration) ,
  • Adventure ,
  • Kids! ,
  • (the) Green Guide,
  • Explorer! ,
  • Little Kids ,
  • Exploring History ,
  • History ,
  • NatGeo WILD! ,
  • Science ,
  • NG Bird Watcher newsletter

and also: the Collector's Editions that have been a staple of newsstand/retail since 2001.

BIRD WATCHER newsletter (magazine)

Recently brought to my attention by fellow 'Corner member Jeff Persons, there was a short-lived Birder's journal published by the Society. It began in Nov/Dec 2001, and the last known issue was Jan/Feb 2003, with a possibly Mar/April 2003 issue published, but if so it was the last.

Jeff has provided me with a scan of all 8 issues. He was a subscriber to Bird Watcher, but then abruptly received notice that it would cease publication and he received a refund. 

This "magazine" is billed as a newsletter, and was 15-18 pages per each bi-monthly issue. As of now, I see none listed as available on eBay. I simply had no knowledge of this title, and find it odd that it was never announced in NGM back in 2001. 

* sample issue cover (all will be posted in the Photos and in My Albums under Bird Watcher folder)