Map, Atlas, Supplement, and Index Collectors

A place for Nat Geo Maps & Atlases, Nat Geo Supplement, and Nat Geo Magazine and Map Index collectors to discuss and swap information and ideas

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  • Melvin L. De Vilbiss


    I am curious about topic #4. Have you observed and annotated this anomaly, i.e. reprint supplements issued with these reprint publications that “do not have” the word reprint on them?


  • Melvin L. De Vilbiss


    I did some quick research to answer my own question relating to topic #4 above.


    I do not collect the reprint (individual) issues, but do have a complete set of bound reprint issues and have used these as my reference.

    Also, I have only six of the first 36 issues of the magazine and cannot reference the original condition or format for these magazines.

    What I found:

    For the first twenty years of publications, all “larger than printed page” pictures/charts/maps/etc. were tipped into the issue they were published in, with the following exceptions:

    Vol.       #            Date                    Title

    *VII       3            Mar 1896           Plate X - Chart – Submarine Cables of the World et al

    IX           4            Apr 1898            Plate 4 - The Gold and Coal Fields of Alaska et al

    X            6            Jun 1899             Plate 5 - Theater of Military Operations in Luzon 1899

    X            12          Dec 1899            Plate XIV - Map of the Seat of War in Africa 1899

    *XI         9            Sep 1900            Plate 9 - Map of North Eastern China

    XIII         1            Jan 1902             (Not plates) Two (2) maps – Progress Map of Signal Corps et al


    Reprint items “larger than the printed page” tipped into their corresponding issue were NOT labeled with the word reprint. Of those items NOT tipped in, but included as an insert, most included the word “Reprint” with the exception of the two items “*” asterisked above.

  • Philip Riviere

    Makes me wonder how many early "reprint"  maps are being sold as originals...
  • Melvin L. De Vilbiss

    This is possible, especially for the uninitiated.

    However, the following are reasons why it shouldn’t be too great a problem:

    What was tipped into the reprints was also tipped into the originals (to the best of my knowledge). Therefore, there should not be a plethora of loose articles either in demand or for sale, i.e. they would only be sold as part of a complete issue (both reprint and original).

    The reprint paper was specifically chosen by the NGS to make it distinct from the original issues; hence, the well advised should be able to readily detect the differences.

    Only two items that were, in their original format, loose inserts were not labeled with the word “reprint” in their reprint format. Here again, the material should make it easy to detect a newer production, but even so, there exists only two such examples – and how many people are trying to locate those two items?

    By the way, I believe you can order from the National Geographic Society reproductions of all their supplements.

  • Philip Riviere

    Yes, I know of the NG Society selling reproductions but only from their Great Britain site. Not found on the U.S. site... 

     What would be the differences be between repos, originals, and reprints?

  • Melvin L. De Vilbiss

    Not all published supplements are listed as reproductions, but a good representation is included in this list from the National Geographic.


    I have never ordered from this site, but it is my understanding these modern reproductions are delivered in tubes, i.e. not folded. This makes for a beautiful display, framed or not.

    "Original" speaks for itself, i.e. fragile, usually faded, hard to find, a collector's desire, expensive.

    Reprints are: 1) used to validate originals, 2) and/or to complete collections back to the beginning for those like me who cannot afford to purchase the multi-thousand dollar originals, 3) and are of themselves collectibles in that they are approaching 50 years old.

  • Melvin L. De Vilbiss

    Here's an eBay listing that includes the 1896 submarine cable chart. The seller is an excellent dealer and will work with you. Give it a try - and good luck!

  • Philip Riviere

    Thanks for the tip Mel

  • Scott T. Shier

    Hello Group,

    Well, I'm here! Hopefully I can dive in and contribute and discuss things with you. I used to be "here" all the time, but this past year + has been a trifle difficult for me (family issues).

    See you 'around'.


     - Scott S.

  • Philip Riviere

    Welcome Scott to the group !!

  • Melvin L. De Vilbiss

    Nice to have you back - hope all is well!

  • Marts

    Hi All,

    Its good to have a group dedicated to the map collectors, there are so many I've missed in the past and for me a collection of all the issues is far from complete. 

    Great to be here...


  • Marts

    Thanks for offering Jason...

    No particular one comes to mind presently but as I peruse the site, and my own collection I'm reminded ever so often.

    At least I know who to come to for advise.

  • Philip Riviere

    Welcome Scot to the Map and Suppliment collectors group.I see that Mel told you how you can get the maps you wanted on E-Bay and from  the NG Society. The 1907 polar map will probably harder to find on E-bay unless someone is selling a hardbound edition of that year or the July 1907 issue of the magazine. I have 2 copies of this map that I got by buying 1907 hardcover editions that come up for sale quite regularly. The other maps you want are very common and are easy to find on E-Bay for little money   Good Luck....Phil

  • Philip Riviere

    Welcome Tom to the Map and Suppliment collectors group....

  • George Thomas Wilson

    Phil,  Good to be here.  I just finished gathering and sorting my maps and documenting them on XYZ Collectibles.  I still need to go through my attic and look for stragglers.  After that I'll probably start filling in the holes from eBay.

  • Philip Riviere


    Let me know what you need after you do your  inventory. I have hundreds of duplicates from the 1890's (reprints) to the present. I need only 11 maps myself (1899 to 1904) to have a complete set of maps and suppliments.



  • George Thomas Wilson

    This is a question for Phil, or anyone else who is knowlegable about old NG maps.

    I have a map of Mexico with no Month or Year that I can find anywhere.  It is either from May 1911 or May 1914.  Does anyone know which issue this map is from?



  • Melvin L. De Vilbiss

    Tom, there were three undated maps of Mexico published in the teens. The easiest way to differentiate between them is to locate the scale (within the Title box).

    May 1911: Near the bottom of the box (located at the lower left of the map), below the scale shows one symbol for "Railways"

    May 1914: Same location of box, but below the scale, their are two symbols for Railways - "Open" & "In Progress"

    July 1916 is an entirely different map with the Title box and scales located top center right.

    Hope this helps.


  • George Thomas Wilson

    Thanks Mel.  That means I hve the 1911 version.  Now I know which one I need to look for.  BTW, I have the 1916 map & I remember a copywrite year on it but no issue month/year.  The map in question has neither that I can see.


  • Melvin L. De Vilbiss


    You are correct on all points!

    New subject: To make it easier for all of us on "The Map and Supplement Collectors" forum, we should post our next question as a "new subject." This will make it easier to navigate, by suject, on this forum. I have been guilty of simply adding to this thread, but will make any new posting as a "new topic."

    Good luck with locating your missing map Tom. A couple of new posts on the main forum indicate someone may have what you're looking for.


  • Philip Riviere

    Welcome Greg to the Map and Supplement Collectors group...Also congrats on your successful sale of your extra maps & supplements at very fair prices..



  • Marts

    Hi everyone, this question is actually for George or anyone else doesnt matter really...
    I see you all mentioned that site XYZ Collectibles how good is it? I've been searching for eons for some means of documenting my nat geos...
    Any ideas or advice? Currently I've just got them all on a spreadsheet...

  • Philip Riviere


    XYZ is a very good site to list your Nat Geo Mags and your Map Supplements as a separate list. My collections are listed there as are a few other collectors from this Nat Geo site


  • Marts

    Thanks, I'll try it!!

  • George Thomas Wilson

    Phil,  Just a heads up.  the Dec 1969 Space Record has been added to the Map/Sup list at XYZ (at my request).  You might want to mark it as being in your collection.  The site is very well maintained.  They've made two changes for me (almost immediately).


    Marts: Mel & I are using a discussion forum to chat about XYZ.  Join us there instead of posting on the comment wall.



  • Philip Riviere

    Welcome Mike to  the Map and Supplement Collectors group !

  • Philip Riviere

    Welcome Timothy to  the Map and Supplement Collectors group !

  • Andy

    Selling extensive collection of NG maps & supplements,earliest is from 1918.Please send request and want list.

  • Philip Riviere

    Andy,  welcome to the Map & Supplement Collectors group. Hope you are successful in selling your maps and supplements !

  • Philip Riviere

    Welcome Chuck to  the Map and Supplement Collectors group ! Let us know if there is anything we can help you with concerning maps and supplements...

  • Chuck White

    Hi Philip, thanks for the welcome.  I originally found this site in hopes of selling my National Geographic map collection, which is about 90 maps from 1959 through to 1989, to a good home.  But, while browsing the site I thought about how I would like to keep the maps concerning space (the Moon, etc) and get them framed.  I was wondering if you good people had any suggestions for framing of the N.G maps?

    And if anyone is interested in the other maps, I can provide a list.

    Thanks, in advance.

  • Philip Riviere

    Hi Chuck,

    A member of this map group named Jeremy has a web site that sells frames for double sided maps and supplements.Here is his link:

    I hope this is some help,


  • Chuck White

    Thanks, Philip!  I'll definitely take a look.

    On the subject of the maps, do they have any value and/or are they desired at all by N.G. collectors, if they are without the issue they came in.  I have about 90, near-mint maps, from 1959 to 1989 and I was hoping to find a good home for them at a fair price for both parties.


    Thanks again.



  • Philip Riviere


    Your maps are basically the atlas maps of the 60's and the closeup maps of the 70's & 80's. Unfortunately they are very, very common maps with little value to collectors. I've seen sets like yours sell for $10 to 20$ as a lot of 90 maps on E-Bay.The problem is more than 3 milllion of each map were printed.. I hope this helps you out...



  • Chuck White

    Thanks, Philip, it sure does.  I don't mind that they didn't end up being highly collectible.  Like I posted in my thread in the Buy & Sell forum, I've collected too much over the years.  The wife wants me to downsize, so I've been trying to find good homes for many various items.  I appreciate the info on the realistic value of these maps. 

    I've been in contact with Jeremy, about his frames, I thank you for that information as well.

    I didn't know of this site, prior to my need to downsize, but I'm glad I found it.  Downsizing or not, I'd like to stick around.  Brings back great memories.



  • Philip Riviere

    Welcome Raphael to the  National Geographic Map & Suppliment Collectors Group...


  • Philip Riviere

    Welcome Jim to the   National Geographic Map & Supplement Collectors Group...


  • Philip Riviere

    Welcome J Farrow to the  National Geographic Map & Supplement Collectors Group...


  • John B. Carey

    I have pictures of an original and the same issue reprint map on my website.  If you haven't already seen it, it is:

    Click on the maps and map index section.  You will find map and supplement information there as well items for sale.  I currently have items older than 1910 listed, but am adding more today and beyond.

    I'm happy to help in any way I can.

    John Carey

  • Philip Riviere


    Welcome to the Map and Supplement collector's group.


  • Philip Riviere


           Most of my pics of early maps (Pre 1908) were taken from the Nat Geo DVD. I don't  know what those pics were based on; originals or reprints. In my own collection I have all the map  reprints and  many original pre 1908 maps. I did notice your March 1891 S. America pic on your site which I copied for my files. Thanks for letting me take advantage of you fascinating site


  • Philip Riviere


    Welcome  to the  National Geographic Map & Supplement Collectors Group...


  • Philip Riviere


    Welcome to the Map, Supplement , and Index Collector's group..


  • Philip Riviere


    Welcome to the Map, Supplement , and Index Collector's group..


  • Philip Riviere


    Welcome to the Map, Supplement , and Index Collector's group..


  • Philip Riviere


    Welcome to the Map, Supplement , and Index Collector's group..


  • Philip Riviere


    Welcome to the Map, Supplement , and Index Collector's group..


  • Scott T. Shier

    I know not National Geographic, but still interesting for the map & cartography lovers I hope ---> 

    -- Scott S.

  • George Thomas Wilson


    I've gotten items from Abe Books before, never checked out their map section.  Pretty cool.
