Map, Atlas, Supplement, and Index Collectors

A place for Nat Geo Maps & Atlases, Nat Geo Supplement, and Nat Geo Magazine and Map Index collectors to discuss and swap information and ideas

  • Jeremy

    The two-sided map supplements are uniquely National Geographic.

    My interest is not as much about archiving them, but more into their display.

    The Hindsight Frame is a way to display both sides of these maps, vertically or horizontally, and change posters easily.

    My website is:

    The comprehensive list that Philip made is great !


  • Philip Riviere

    Welcome Jeremy to NG Map & Suppliment Collectors (and displayers !) I personally do display some of my maps but I use pushpins in the corners. These maps (my 3rd copies of a map) I keep for display and not for sale because of the holes in the corners.  

    Your specialty is the  more modern (Post 1970) double sided maps and the frames to display them. I will be posting large pictures(500k) of these 1970-2011 maps(both sides) on this site in the future.

  • Melvin L. De Vilbiss


    With regard to topic number 2, this excel spreadsheet is a compiled list of all "plates" for the first 13 National Geographic Volumes (1888-1902). The use of plates included maps, drawings and pictures among other things, of normal page size and "larger" than the printed page. Some in this later category were supplemental inserts, but most were foldouts bound into the magazine.



  • Melvin L. De Vilbiss


    The reprints were from 1888 through 1907.

    The number of 1000 official reprint copies represents "only" the individual issues.

    It has never been "officially" determined how many sets of the bound format the National Geographic Society published.

    Of course, this also means the total number of reprinted supplements that accompanied these bound sets, many of which have been separated from their original issues, has never been accounted for.


  • Philip Riviere

    Welcome Mel to the NG map & suppliment collectors.

    Thanks for posting the spreadsheet on early plates & maps.. It clarifies some issues for me. I have acquired bound  volumes 1-6 and 10  in book format (reprints only.... on a retired teacher's pension)...I'm trying to get ALL the maps...I think I need only 16 more maps (Years: 1896,1898, 1900,1902,1904 and 1 map in 05)  to have a complete set.