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George Thomas Wilson's Comments

Comment Wall (73 comments)

At 1:16pm on September 15, 2016, Jeffry Persons said…


This is the November 1999 cover with a flap and different formatting of the contents.

At 1:18pm on September 15, 2016, Jeffry Persons said…


This shows the March 2007 with the same photo on both issues, but different verbage and formatting.

At 1:43pm on September 15, 2016, Jeffry Persons said…


This is the May, 2000 magazine with a flap on the front cover with different formatting as the subscription issue.

At 1:45pm on September 15, 2016, Jeffry Persons said…


This is the July 2000 issue with a flap and different formatting on the cover

At 1:46pm on September 15, 2016, Jeffry Persons said…


This is the December 2001 with different formatting as well on the front cover.

At 1:50pm on September 15, 2016, Jeffry Persons said…


This is the March 1927 issue with different numbers of illustrations on the front cover; is it eighteen or seventeen?  Both issues have seventeen illustrations

At 1:52pm on September 15, 2016, Jeffry Persons said…


This is a magazine with a gold sticker stating that this is the 2 billionth magazine printed.

At 1:57pm on September 15, 2016, Jeffry Persons said…


This is a December, 1988 issue with both printed in silver foil and gold foil.  It was determined that the gold foil would be the best cover to use for the issue.

At 2:27pm on September 15, 2016, Jeffry Persons said…

Tom, I do have a few others, but no pictures at this time.  Feel free to delete any that you want

At 5:50pm on September 15, 2016, Jeffry Persons said…


The one hologram issue from 1984 is not from China, but was a back up issue in case the other issue was not ready in time for printing.  Also, the other issue, November, 2003 shows two versions of the newsstand was not a duplicate as seen by the bar code.  I have a few more that I will get to you soon.


At 6:54pm on October 6, 2016, Jeffry Persons said…


This issue has two different contents on the cover.  One has 100 British Seaports and one doesn't  Both magazines have the same contents and ads as well as 100 British Seaports

At 6:57pm on October 6, 2016, Jeffry Persons said…


Both of these magazines have a sticker affixed regarding a Dinosaur Named Sue.  They were purchased at the Sue exhibit at the Chicago O'Hare airport at the Sue exhibit 

At 7:00pm on October 6, 2016, Jeffry Persons said…


This Commemorative magazine was compliments of AT&T and is the Ellis Island Issue

At 7:07pm on October 6, 2016, Jeffry Persons said…


This magazine has an article regarding Carter's Grove and could be purchased at Colonial Williamsburg.  It has a paper band around the magazine.

At 5:38pm on November 30, 2016, Jeffry Persons said…


I do not have anything but the year 1904.  This is one of the very few items that has eluded me and other advanced collectors prior to  me for many years.  I did find a person who collected only this magazine and items related to it and he does not have this copy as well. I have tried many magazine and book dealers over the last 30+ years as well, all with no luck. I believe it to be vary rare magazine and would very much like to have it in my collection.

Good luck!


At 1:37pm on February 1, 2017, Jeffry Persons said…

Tom,  Here are a few more SPOOFS for you

1962, The MAD Frontier (Signet) pg 111

1962, 3/14, Nashunal Geograffic, Courier-Journal

1969, October, Nationl Geagraphic, Cracker

1972, The Best From Playboy

1975, December, National Pornographic, Playboy

1976, The Iron On Book, National Lampoon (great iron-on ta-ta's!

1981, Miss Piggy Cover Girl Fantasy Calendar

1982, September, National Poronographic Video--X Vol 3, No. 7 Playboy Press

1985 Pier 1 Inc. Annual Report

1986, Your Only Old Once (Dr. Seuss Book

1987, National Recuperator, Hallmark Cards Society

1989 Penthouse HOTTALK

1990, December The Best of 1970-1990 National Lampoon


I've got one or two more, but haven't found them yet

Thank Tom,


1972, Is Nothing Sacred?, Playboy

At 7:51pm on February 1, 2017, Jeffry Persons said…


Here are some more Spoofs to add to your list:

1962; The MAD Frontier (Signet Book)

1962; Nashunal Geograffic, Courier Journal

1969; National Geagraphic, Cracker

1972; The Best From Playboy--No. 6

1972; Is Nothing Sacred?  Playboy

1975, Dec.; National Pornographic; Playboy

1976; The Iron On Book; National Lampoon

1981; The Miss Piggy Cove Girl Fantasy Calendar

1982, Sept; National Pornographic, Video-=X, Vol. 3, No. 7 Playboy Press

1985; Pier 1 Inc. Annual Report

1986; You're Only Old Once (Dr. Seuss book)

1987; National Recuperator; Hallmark Cards Society

1989; Penthouse HOTTALK

2000; Juli in Jamaica; A presentation of the Naked Geographical Society.  Internet

2005; Refrigerator Magnet; "Safely on the Sun" dated January 2023.  Spoof on a magazine cover of the future

At 1:22pm on April 18, 2017, Jeffry Persons said…


Here are three more magazine articles to ad to your list

1.  Aero Digest December 1935, page 45, Entitled The "Explorer II" Stratosphere Balloon.  This is a one page article about the technical aspects of flying the balloon into the stratosphere.

2.  GW Times (George Washington University); Feb/Mar 1972, page 10-11.  Entitled Melville Bell Grosvenor.  It is an interview of Mr. Grosvenor and what, at age 70, he expects to accomplish in his present role with the "Geographic".

3.  Publisher's Weekly; January 8, 1973, Volume 203 #2 pages 40-44.  entitled The Phenomenal Success of the National geographic Book Operation.  This discusses the growth of the boo service and also discusses the advantage of their non-profit status has over other publishers. There is also a discussion about how Mrs. Kennedy she developed the White House Historical Association after reading an article in the January, 1961 NGM.

That's all for now; still sorting and cataloging!


At 1:22pm on January 8, 2018, Jeffry Persons said…



Where would you place these items?

There should be four attachments.


At 4:41pm on January 8, 2018, Jeffry Persons said…


I just ran across this and was wondering where I place it in my collection.  It states that it is a reprint, but not in the truest sense of a reprint.  Is this another How other see us?


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