Mark Van Winkle


Carrollton, TX

United States

Profile Information:

Why do you wish to join this community?
To find old Nat Geos
About Me:
I'm a long-time collector. I had to sell my 1906-1945 issues twenty years ago, and would like to rebuild the set again.
Favorite National Geographic publication:
The Macchu Pichu discovery number by Hiram Bingham.
Favorite travel destination:

Comment Wall:

  • Scott T. Shier

    It's interesting finding oneself looking to re-build a past NGM collection isn't it? When I was young I had what I thought was a "huge" NGM collection, and then while in the care of someone else (for long-term safekeeping), they got rid of them without telling me. I vowed I would get a Nat Geo collection again, and what feels like eons later, I did, ha-ha. 

    Welcome to the 'Corner, Mark !