Suzanne Kaluti




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searching for old issues of NG

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  • Richard Kennedy

    I collect the Turkish edition of the National Geographic Magazine. There are a number of these issues that I need. Would you be able to help me get these issues?

    -- Richard

  • Richard Kennedy

    Thank you for answering my post.

    I am looking for the following Turkish language editions of the National Geographic Magazine:

    2001    Temmuz

    2003    Mayıs, Eylül, Ekim, Aralık

    2004    Mart, Nisan, Haziran, Temmuz

    2005    Nisan, Temmuz, Kasım, Aralık

    2006    Ocak, Aralık

    2007    Ekim

    2008    Mayıs, Haziran, Temmuz, Ağustos, Eylül, Ekim, Kasım, Aralık

    2009    Ocak, Şubat

    2010    Ekim

    2011    Nisan, Temmuz

    2012    Ocak, Şubat, Nisan

    2013    Ocak

    2014    Ağustos, Eylül

    The magazines must be in excellent condition with no cuts, tears, marks, etc. They also must include any maps, DVDs, etc. that were issued with them. If possible, they should be in their original plastic wrapping.

    I am looking for someone in Turkey who can buy these magazines for me. I am willing to pay a reasonable price for these magazines, their shipping to the United States, and an honorarium for your time.

    If this is not possible, I would appreciate receiving the email address of bookstores that sell these old issues.

    I have been to Turkey twice and I loved visiting your country. Years ago my father-in-law was involved in building the electrical transmissions lines from the eastern river dams to Istanbul.

    Thank you again.

    -- Richard Kennedy

  • Richard Kennedy

    Greetings from America

    I am looking for the following supplements issued with the Turkish edition of the National Geographic Magazine. Please let me know if you can help me find and buy them. Thank you.

    2003    May: Need only Mount Everest map

                September: Need only World and Europe map

     2004    April: Need only World Bird Migration map

                July: Need only beyond Culture map

     2005    November: Need only World II map

                December: Need only World III map

     2006    December: Need only Solar System poster

     2008    May: Need only china map and 2 digital photos CDs

                December: Ned only Jerusalem map

    -- Richard Kennedy
