Article Reprints / Offprints (NGS and permissioned)

This group is intended to share knowledge of / awareness of, some seldom seen "reprint", or "offprint", articles that originally appeared in the published magazine.

The vast majority of these items were generated by the Society on special request by non-profit organizations, government agencies, and other higher profile entities (authors, significant contributors).

Print runs of each varied widely, from a few dozen to thousands of copies. Some bear the personalization of the author.

A Back Cover Advertisement on an Article Reprint

A Back Cover Advertisement on an Article Reprint

The National Geographic Society has a long history of reprinting popular articles from the Geographic.  As a rule, these reprints are devoid of advertisements, the back covers are blank.  So far, I have only found one exception to this rule: the November 1936 article reprint "Trains of Today and Tomorrow".  There is an advertisement on the back cover of that reprint by the Association of American Railroads:

The ad was specifically made for this reprint.  The back cover ad for the original issue is a color photo of a glazed ham.  Yum.

Tom Wilson