National Geographic Hardback Special Publications

A forum of NAT GEO Special Hardback Publication collectors.

Special Publication index?

Does anyone know how I can find an index of all Special Publications? I have many of them, but I'm pretty sure I'm missing a few.

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    Thanks Charles!
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      Hi Charles,

      I tried to email you just a minute ago but it wouldn't go through. I'm guessing that you must have changed email providers. Maybe you could post the .pdf somewhere we could get to it.

                                                                                  Thanks, Jim

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        1. I collect the National Geographic Special Publication books. I wonder if anyone has a list of them to share. I'll send my list to someone if they want it but I'd really like to have something to compare it to so I can see how complete mine is. I think my list has 171 titles. It's in a Excel 2003 file. Let me know if anyone wants it, Thanks.