Large older collection for sale...


I am ready to start selling a very large NG collection that my great-grandfather had collected over many years. I have attached a file showing the contents due to the size. I plan to start selling on eBay soon, but I figured I would see if anyone on this site had any interest in some/all of this collection.

Please note that the 1964 bound reprints (mint condition) are included in this collection as well. Overall condition of the collection is very good, but if you want to know something specific, let me know.

In short, there are original bound volumes from 1907 to 1917 and all of the single issues from 1918 to 1970 inclusive (as well as July-Dec 1910 singles) and numerous maps, etc. See listing for full details.

I am located in Ontario, Canada (west of Toronto).

Let me know if you have any questions or would like more information.

