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Looking for 1943 National Geographics and Blue (1943) & Tan (1944) Cover Medals Books

Hello All! 


I am still looking for copies of the following:

June, October and December 1943 issues of National Geographic Magazine. 

Book entitled, "Insignia & Decorations of the U.S. Armed Forces" which was published by National Geographic in a blue cover in 1943 and reprinted/updated in 1944 under the same title but with a tan cover.  I've already checked EBay.  Please email me at if you have them.  Thanks!   

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The copies you seek do come up on eBay fairly regularly - perhaps every month for the magazines and every few months for the article reprints (what you call the 'book')..

For completeness, the following reprints of the "Insignia & Decorations of the US Armed Forces" articles were published (that I know of):

June 1943:

    Blue soft cover (most common)

    Grey hard cover

    White soft cover

    A copy printed for the Red Cross

    Grey soft cover - printed for the Division of Naval Intelligence, Identification and Characteristics Section.
      One of these sold on eBay recently.

November 1944

    Grey soft cover

    Blue hard cover



Update: I checked my copies. The Grey Hard cover appears to be a National Geographic Society Library binding of the blue soft cover version. The white cover appears to have been printed for the Red Cross. And I should have said December 1944 (not November)

There are copies of the two original June and October 1943 NG magazines available on eBay right now (and are more common than I thought). The June 1943 article was on the Insignia of the US Armed Forces and the October 1943 article was titled Heraldry of Heroism and covered the Decorations of the armed forces. These articles (and others) were reprinted in the various covers described here in various combinations, depending on the target. For example, the Div Naval Intelligence version was only concerned with the insignia.

There was no further article printed in the NG magazine in December 1944 (or 43). The reprints of the Insignia and (I think) Decorations articles were however expanded and printed as Revised Editions December 1 1944.

Yes, the 1944 issue is expanded to include the "ghost" unit insignia that were used in certain operations to fool the enemy.  If anyone has extras of these for sale please email me at  Thanks!

There a good copy of the December 1944 version on eBay right now:



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